What We're Readin' and Watchin'

Book and video reviews by the Lucy Robbins Welles Library staff. The public library of Newington, Connecticut.
Website: www.newington.lib.ct.us Phone: 860-665-8700

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Harry Potter #7

Title: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Author: J.K. Rowling

This is the U.S. cover to the last Harry Potter book due out in July. It's the first time Voldemort is on the cover and many people say this does not bode well for Harry. Here are some of the latest Harry links:



Can't wait!


p.s. look in our summer newsletter for a special library Harry event on July 20-21!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

7 UP, 7 Plus 7, 21 UP, 28 UP ...

Title: Up series
Director: Michael Apted

I am crazy about this series. Apted has filmed a group of English people from age 7 to age 49. I love it because they are my age and went through some of the same things I did at those ages. And it's I love learning about a different culture. Of course the story can't help but look at class in English society. I do wonder what each one of them will be doing at 49.

It's also a neat history of film making. It's great to watch film making evolve and see the film styles of the eras.

We have 49 UP but you have to start at the beginning with 7 UP.

If you want them I'll get them for you.


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Friday, March 23, 2007

Title: Isle of Woman
Author: Piers Anthony

I haven't read anything by Piers Anthony in years. This was interesting. Piers Anthony tackles a big project when he wrote this book. He tells this story about 2 different families by going through history since the beginning of time. Each chapter focuses on one moment in time--cave paintings, using tools, creating tools, war--with one family and continues with the other family in the next chapter. I found it fascinating and more interesting than reading an ancient history book.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Keeping Faith

Title: Keeping Faith
Author: Jodi Picoult

An intense drama, this book held my interest right to the end. The mother, Mariah, develops into a strong woman as a result of working through several challenges. Her little girl, Faith, experiences God in remarkable ways. How the family deals with the media and the related privacy issues add more tension to the story.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Title: Plague Tales
Author: Ann Benson

I really enjoyed this book. It's a great story about 2 different people in 2 different times: a future time in London and a past time in the 14th century. It's about the Bubonic plague. Even the future London cannot combat the Plague with antibiotics!! I loved how Benson wrote about court life in London; her historical descriptions are vivid. She varied her chapters: one chapter was in the 14th century and the next in future times. Ann Benson has also written beading books.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Everything is Illuminated

Title: Jonathan Safran Foer
Author: Everything is Illuminated

Jonathan Safran Foer uses three voices in this book. One of a translator writing to his client back in the United State. The second is the same translator writing the story of their journey together and the third is the client back in the states writing his personal history which he discovered on his journey with the translator. I enjoyed the contrast of the mythic proportions of the historical story with the down to earth details of the journey. Its a very different book and I recommend it if you are looking for something new and different to read.

The Project Museum. What do you think of this site?


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