The Sister by Paola Kaufmann
Title: The Sister: A Novel of Emily Dickinson
Author: Paola Kaufmann
Your thoughts:
I highly recommend this book, especially to anyone remotely interested in Emily Dickinson. The story is told from the perspective of Lavinia Dickinson, Emily's sister. Lavinia writes at the end of her life, remembering memories of her sister as well as other family members. Kaufmann offers a very interesting perspective of the Dickinson family in her extremely well-researched and well-crafted book. Another nice touch is that Emily Dickinson's poems appear at the beginning of almost every chapter and set a lovely tone for the piece.
Author: Paola Kaufmann
Your thoughts:
I highly recommend this book, especially to anyone remotely interested in Emily Dickinson. The story is told from the perspective of Lavinia Dickinson, Emily's sister. Lavinia writes at the end of her life, remembering memories of her sister as well as other family members. Kaufmann offers a very interesting perspective of the Dickinson family in her extremely well-researched and well-crafted book. Another nice touch is that Emily Dickinson's poems appear at the beginning of almost every chapter and set a lovely tone for the piece.
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