What We're Readin' and Watchin'

Book and video reviews by the Lucy Robbins Welles Library staff. The public library of Newington, Connecticut.
Website: www.newington.lib.ct.us Phone: 860-665-8700

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Title: Plague Tales
Author: Ann Benson

I really enjoyed this book. It's a great story about 2 different people in 2 different times: a future time in London and a past time in the 14th century. It's about the Bubonic plague. Even the future London cannot combat the Plague with antibiotics!! I loved how Benson wrote about court life in London; her historical descriptions are vivid. She varied her chapters: one chapter was in the 14th century and the next in future times. Ann Benson has also written beading books.



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