What We're Readin' and Watchin'

Book and video reviews by the Lucy Robbins Welles Library staff. The public library of Newington, Connecticut.
Website: www.newington.lib.ct.us Phone: 860-665-8700

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Robin Cook

I listened to this on CD. A doctor is being sued for malpractice. The doctor's wife asks her brother, a medical examiner, to help her husband out. During the brother-in-law's investigation, he discovers how the patient really died. It's a good read.



  • At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am in the process of listening to this on playaway right now. I am almost at the end. Have some ideas about what may have happened to patient patience, but am not sure. I always enjoy medical plots, and I can not wait to find out if my guess is correct. The thing is, I only listen to playaway when I walk the dog. So, the dog has been getting extra walks lately!


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