Title: Motif for Murder: A Scrapbooking Mystery
Author: Laura Childs
Your thoughts:
Laura Childs is a new author to me; she was recommended to me by my friend because I love mysteries and scrapbooking. The main character, Carmen, has just reconciled with her husband. He is kidnapped from their kitchen one morning, and his uncle is murdered. Carmen and her friend get caught up in trying to find Carmen's husband and finding the uncle's murderer. In between running all around New Orleans trying to solve the mystery and parties, she runs a scrapbooking store. She keeps busy and sane by working on scrapping projects in her store. At the end of the book she gives directions for the scrapping projects she does in her shop and recipes for all the dinners and food she prepares. Laura Childs also writes a tea shop mystery series.
Author: Laura Childs
Your thoughts:
Laura Childs is a new author to me; she was recommended to me by my friend because I love mysteries and scrapbooking. The main character, Carmen, has just reconciled with her husband. He is kidnapped from their kitchen one morning, and his uncle is murdered. Carmen and her friend get caught up in trying to find Carmen's husband and finding the uncle's murderer. In between running all around New Orleans trying to solve the mystery and parties, she runs a scrapbooking store. She keeps busy and sane by working on scrapping projects in her store. At the end of the book she gives directions for the scrapping projects she does in her shop and recipes for all the dinners and food she prepares. Laura Childs also writes a tea shop mystery series.