The Lighthouse by P.D. James
Title: The Lighthouse Sound Recording
Author: P.D. James
Reader: Charles Keating
Dagleish solving the murder from his SARS sick bed was just too much reality to suspend. Fly me to Mars, take me 30 or 30,000 years into the future, introduce me to aliens even show me a happy marriage. :-) All of these I can believe but please don't ask me to believe Dagliesh fighting for his life was more capable of solving the crime than his two subordinates. Does he have such an ego he can't let them shine just once? I was disappointed that Kate and Benton were not allowed to solve this one themselves.
James does a good job setting the scene and capturing the place. Her characters are multidimensional all though sometimes a little too transparent.
I think she's done a better in her previous work.
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